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In-House Program


The primary focus of 6U In-House is teaching the game at the most basic level

- Throwing, catching, hitting and fielding. 
-This is coach pitch. 

- Games are played on Thursday nights and practices are 1 day per week at coaches discretion.. 
-Schedules TBD and will be provided to you by your coach.

8U - Moving to Travel for 2024

Moving to the Big West after a success trial run in the fall

Some important info for this:

8U will be Wednesday doubleheaders starting @ 6PM

8U State - June 29-30

Practices will be at Liberty Elementary fields 

More details still TBD and will be discussed at next board meeting

Click here to register for 8U Travel and 6U In-House

8U League Meeting Information


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between In-House League and Traveling League?

In-House League is for beginner softball players and is a more recreational league. Traveling League is a more competitive softball program and involves tryouts, weekend tournaments, and more game play.

What does 6U stand for?

6U is for players ages 6 and under (ages 4-6); this league is a T-ball league.

What does 8U stand for?

8U is for players ages 8 and under (7 to 8 year olds); this league is a pitching machine league.

What age group (6U or 8U) will my daughter be assigned?

Age groups are based on the player’s age as of December 31, of the previous year. 

What equipment do I need to buy?

All players must bring a water bottle, a glove, and a softball fielder’s face mask (though these are not required at this age, it is a good habit to build at this age)

What equipment is provided?

The league provides helmets, bats, catchers gear, softballs, tennis balls, whiffle balls, ice packs, training cones, batting tee, sling machine, bases, and first aid kit.

What is included with the uniform?

The association provides a numbered uniform top. You will be required to buy black pants, a blue belt, and blue socks to match. 

What equipment is optional to buy?

Softball cleats (can wear tennis shoes), bat, helmet, batting gloves, and bat bag. (make sure to use amazon smile :) )

Where are practices and games?

All practices and home games are at Liberty Elementary Field 3.

What days of the week does 6U play? 8U?

6U practices sundays and plays thursdays. 8U practices mondays and plays wednesdays.

What times are practices / games?

Practices times will be decided on at the beginning of the season as we reserve fields. Games will start at 6 and run for roughly 70 min.

How many volunteer hours per family do I need to complete?

All 8U families will be required to complete 8 hours of volunteer time in order to receive their volunteer deposit ($225) back at the end of the season.

What if I don’t complete my volunteer hours?

The League needs your time more than your money. If volunteer hours are not completed, the League will cash your deposit check; the League will notify before cashing.

Where are typical volunteer hours worked?

Most volunteer hours are at The 4-Plex, helping facilitate Ice-Breaker and State Tournaments (concession stand, field work, etc.).

How do I find the volunteer hours to sign up? Will I receive emails?

Volunteer hours will be emailed to all parents upon availability. Volunteer hours will also be posted to the DIBS tab on the biglake.registerplay website.

When does the season start and end?

The season begins beginging of April, depending on the shape of the fields and how the snow melts. We will kick the season off with our In-House Clinic. 

Are practices or games on the weekends?

No. All practices and games are scheduled during the week, with the one exception being the 8U tournament in Becker (June 3rd)

Are there make-up games due to weather cancellations?

If both coaches can make it work, and fields have been arranged via [email protected], then games can be rescheduled.

How are batting and fielding line-ups formed?

Coaches play each player a different fielding position each inning (rotating between infield and outfield); batting lineups rotate throughout the season so all players get to bat first for a game.

How are teams formed?

Team placement is based on age, school enrollment and friend requests; 9-12 players per team.

Can I request a friend to be on my daughter’s team?

They can be requested but nothing is promised.

Do parents bring snacks/drinks for game days?

Yes. Coaches assign snacks/drinks to parents for games only. Please be mindful of allergies.

How many Coaches are assigned to each team?

Each team is assigned 1 Head Coach and 1-2 Assistant Coaches (these coaches are parent volunteers); parents willing to help during practices and games are greatly appreciated.(volunteering at practices doesnt count towards volunteer hours unless your listed as a coach)

How is the season scheduled?

The first half of the season is mostly practice; the last half of the season will be mostly games.

The biggest thing to remember about this level of play is that we need to build excitement to keep the girls coming back! We do this by keeping the kids engaged and by making sure that they are having fun in every aspect of the game!


Big Lake Fastpitch
Po Box 251 
Big Lake, Minnesota 55309

Email: [email protected]

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